Embracing Healing Through Clinical Massage

Clinical massage is an exciting new approach to the treatment of numerous pain and injury conditions previously treated only with conventional methods. Providing a comprehensive system of treatment that incorporates a wide variety of massage treatment techniques, clinical massage enables the therapist to choose the most effective treatment for a particular condition. The clinical massage therapist is knowledgeable and skilled in their understanding of pain and injury conditions along with massage treatment techniques. This combination of expertise provides for the most effective treatment of soft tissue pain and injury conditions using massage therapy. 


Massage is no longer a luxury. It has become an important part of our treatment plans as many people are seeing the amazing benefits of consistent therapeutic body work.



  • Deep Tissue
  • Neuromuscular
  • Pre/postnatal
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • Myofascial Release
  • Sports Specific
  • Cupping Therapy

Clinical Massage Therapy

Our licensed clinical massage therapists are here to help address acute, chronic and all types of injuries that have been causing you pain. We pride ourselves on being more than just a massage, and incorporate numerous techniques to give you the best therapeutic approach possible. Along with the co-management with our team of physicians our clinical massage therapists can help you truly heal.

Brenda De Leon Perez

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Rob Laubach

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Lakeview - Roscoe Village

1642 W Belmont Ave,
Chicago, IL

(312) 792-1900


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Discover the Healing Power of Touch

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